Only when both agencies have resolved all legal, safety, and management concerns is such an application approved.
But the review found that there were "gaps" in how the new policy had been put into effect, raising management concerns.
Identification of public issues, management concerns, opportunities, and threats through collaborative stakeholder involvement.
Inputs, such as, for example, a 'corporate capability', are often common to more than one offering, and very much a management concern.
For some analysts, this means management concerns are critical.
He left Ramada in 1971 to form his own management concern in Dallas.
They are intended to reconcile and integrate diverse urban planning and management concerns.
He eventually became a vice president of real estate management for Bankers Trust, leaving in 1991 to start his own building services management concern.
The conference made up the difference with more cooperation from clubs, record companies and management concerns.
Not that much research has been done to describe the life habits and management concerns of this specific species.