Allegedly Satsang management did not care for the devotees.
The management didn't care who was in the place as long as they bought drinks.
Usually, only founders and top management own enough stock to make them care deeply about the company's fate and problems.
"Sometimes management cares about the record because they want to sell tickets," Martin said.
That means, for one thing, that management cares about you.
"And I think management often doesn't care, as long as they can market their product and make the money."
And if you ask me, Harry, that wasn't the kinda place the management cared too much about cleanliness.
The management," Cordelia had said, "doesn't care what happens to a room so long as the damage gets paid for.
The upper management, I probably don't care too much about.
Group members were also more likely to report support from co-workers for choosing low-fat diets and they believed that management cared about their nutrition.