In the late 1970s, the Meadows Foundation in Dallas recognized a significant need for staff development and management assistance to charitable organizations.
Studies at the University include: business, finance, hospitality and tourism (including masters level), information technology, and management assistance.
SBDCS provides management assistance to current and prospective small business owners.
Program wildlife biologists provide technical advice and direct management assistance to individuals with problems related to wildlife.
To the Editor: Volunteerism to address critical community needs includes a range of activities from direct service to management assistance and trusteeship.
Tipping Point provides this management assistance through the strategic partnerships it builds with private sector corporations and non-profit organizations.
Under the new policy, the city will offer several kinds of help to building owners, including low-interest loans and management assistance.
The association also provides management assistance along with its personality-enhancing tools.
They offer internships, mentors, part-time or full-time work, exposure to career choices in special industry-related institutes and management assistance to school systems.
The department has sought management assistance from the Army Corps of Engineers.