The work of each unit is further divided into specific, manageable tasks.
The Grid makes that task much more manageable - but not easy, by any stretch of the imagination.
It is important that we break the system into manageable tasks and tackle them each in turn, in order of priority.
By setting children small manageable tasks and giving praise, they are given a good foundation for future learning.
Complex problems are broken into more manageable tasks and then run simultaneously on separate processors.
First, they established and used an evolutionary approach to develop products that made the capture of design and manufacturing knowledge a more manageable task.
This adventure does seem like a manageable task but it is not for the faint of heart.
This is a much more manageable task.
You can make difficult tasks more manageable by breaking them down into a number of steps.
But if you break it into manageable tasks, you'll see it's easier than you think.