For 18 months up until July 30, 2008, Iisaak was managed, under contract, by Ecotrust Canada.
But people close to him said he had pledged to stay on as chairman of the Edison Project, a private, for-profit company that manages 51 public schools under contract.
This is the second case involving properties managed by Ocwen under contract with the VA.
Zapata will own 8.75 percent of Arethusa and will continue to manage the 12 rigs under contract.
The central bank already lets banks manage small chunks of its foreign reserves under contract.
Many of them have been managed by private corporations - under contract to the Energy Department and its predecessors - for several decades.
Its staff are employed by the Government Chief Information Office, and the network's operations are managed under contract.
The lake, up to the high water mark is under the control of Alcoa and is managed under contract granted by the US government.
The personal accounts would be administered by the government; private companies would manage the investment funds under contract with the government.
In addition, three prisons that were built with public money are managed by private companies under contract.