Walters uses mathematical modeling to understand how to successfully manage harvestable fisheries in a time of high uncertainty.
The agreement lays out a plan to manage fisheries by-catch, protect breeding sites, promote conservation in the industry, and research threatened species.
Last summer, nations at an environmental summit in Johannesburg agreed to manage fisheries in a sustainable fashion by 2015.
This helps mitigate some of the negative environmental effects posed by the dam and manage fisheries downstream.
A common theme of New Zealand's environmental legislation is sustainably managing natural and physical resources, fisheries, and forests.
To manage fisheries, data are needed not only for species targeted by a fishery, but for all species in the ecosystem.
Under guidelines developed this spring, however, the Conservation Department has agreed to manage fisheries in the Adirondack wilderness and canoe areas to "perpetuate natural aquatic ecosystems."
Clearly, these patterns become important when considering the predictive models necessary to manage and sustain important fisheries and the stocks that support them.
I can assure fellow Members that there certainly is a major crisis of confidence in the European Union's ability to manage fisheries at all.
The council established an "eco-labelling programme designed to reward sustainable and well managed fisheries with a visible environmental endorsement."