The man-made snow is respectable packed powder, though it feels a little different, as if some chemicals have been added.
Also, it's been consistently cold, which has enabled us to make a lot of man-made snow.
That is also true of the state's other five ski areas, which traditionally rely far more on man-made snow than on the real thing.
In New Jersey, club members can avail themselves of man-made snow, sophisticated lifts and newly developed ski areas.
Where the new season's races have taken place, all have been on strips of man-made snow set into dun-coloured grass.
Mueller fell in practice on the Camel bumps where the man-made snow was perhaps too thin.
Come out of the cave, man, did you know we have man-made snow now too?
A computerized snowmaking system was installed and the man-made snow should enable an earlier opening of more terrain.
Gone are the days when trails groomed with man-made snow meant skiing through heavy white sludge.
Lift lines were mostly nonexistent, and snow - both man-made and natural - was plentiful.