"The concept of building your own cliff, a man-made mountain, is a typically non-Georgetown thing to do," he added.
But this man-made mountain, 111 meters high and two miles long, is small compared to what lies beneath it.
A man-made mountain is what it was.
A long fountain stretches the full length of the street, leading to a man-made mountain that features dive shows.
It is one of only a few man-made mountains in the world.
The most impressive of these is Structure 10L-22, which represents a sacred man-made mountain.
This man-made mountain is so dense it doesn't melt away until mid-July.
Piles of rusted scrap iron rose in the darkness like man-made mountains.
He was in a different world, a world of natural, not man-made, mountains.
I've referred to the Stronghold as a man-made mountain, and that comes fairly close.