There are also two man-made harbours that connect the islands of Malta and Gozo.
Perhaps strangest of all were two man-made harbors that were to be towed across to the Normandy beaches.
Within these man-made harbors, freighters as large as Liberty ships could unload into barges ferrying back and forth to the beaches.
It is one of the largest man-made harbours in the world.
The man-made harbor has a draft of 24 m (78 ft).
The dredging that occurred resulted in the first man-made harbor in North America.
Jebel Ali is the world's largest man-made harbor and the biggest port in the Middle East.
The largest man-made harbor for ferries is Karave.
Lahaina is obviously very much oriented to the sea and its man-made harbor is as important to the city as its shops.
The wide mouth of the man-made harbor was blocked by a massive iron chain drawn taut a few feet above the water.