First, they thought no man-made device could replace the function of kidneys over the long term.
And something reassuring about the small man-made mechanical device on your wrist that shares it with you.
Technomimetics are molecular systems that can mimic man-made devices.
It would require 1070 steps, he added, which "is more than all the operations ever computed on man-made devices in history."
Resonance occurs widely in nature, and is exploited in many man-made devices.
Like man-made devices, it is also subject to overload.
I don't know whether man-made devices, either sonar or radar, use this subtle trick.
Oh, the delight of the manufactured good, the man-made device, the created thing!
At the top was another man-made device: a metal trapdoor.
Medical implants are man-made devices, in contrast to a transplant, which is a transplanted biomedical tissue.