Both women and men weave baskets, while only women create ceramics.
Although the sun had not yet set, the young man was weaving as he made his way down the street.
Tapes here show men and women weaving all over the road at all hours.
But the man doesn't even seem to see him, just weaves on and turns the corner into an alley.
Can't you feel the suspense building as this spidery man weaves his web?
In traditional bògòlanfini production, men weave the cloth and women dye it.
A little man in a checked suit weaved through the crowd, shooting a home video.
Words had always held power, but only in this land did men weave words onto pieces of paper to capture souls.
The man had woven a web across the face of the world and his plots were without number, all meeting at this point in time.
The old man weaved his way through them to take her to the nect room.