The rustle of leaves meant nothing, since several men were trampling through them.
However, he's arrived too late, and the men have already trampled around the grave, confusing their footprints with those of the intruder.
Already the feldwebel and the old man were trampling on the fire.
Unfortunately, Tom's own men had trampled much of the ground just a few minutes before, while searching for their unseen enemies.
Yet other men running headlong through the night trampled those on the ground, only to lose their own footing and topple.
The last man he didn't like he trampled to death.
"Go on in," the man repeated, "before you get trampled in the rush."
After that, meytans, stolofs, and running men of both sides had trampled her.
I could see my husband's life blood soaking into the white dust, and the men trampling his fallen body as they fled.
Most of them, however, were put into the wine press where the men and boys trampled them, often to music.