W hen morning was, and it was yet early, the town was all astir and the gates were thrown open, and weaponed men thronged into it crying out for Christopher the King.
Now the king of the country was about to marry, and the young men about the court thronged the shoemaker's shop to buy fine shoes to wear at the wedding.
The men thronged about him first, jostling one another in their eagerness to say something that he might remember later, reminding him of past favors they had done for him, offering favors for the future.
In the late 1960's, men in rhinestone-studded suits thronged to hear the Velvet Underground.
I understand now why young men were thronging along the walls only 10 minutes earlier; they were saving the nearest spot to the mosque.
Fascinated by Hitler's charisma and his "achievements," young men thronged into the Wehrmacht.
LATER, rescued men thronged the great room of Chiswold Castle.
Trade grew still brisker as more canoes came alongside and black men and women thronged the deck.
In Worcester, Mass., working-class men - many of them recent immigrants - thronged downtown streets, passing around strong drink and harassing more privileged citizens with drums and firecrackers.
Women, children, dogs, and men all thronged at the entrance of the street that led to Kamrasi's residence.