For the last seven days, this broadcast facility has been under guard by men purporting to be National Guardsmen.
But the curious thing is his body was claimed by a man purporting to be Tinh's brother.
A man purporting to speak for the Mujahedeen Kashmir - Islamic Holy Warriors of Kashmir - asserted responsibility for the explosion.
Indeed, a man purporting to represent the Al-Nusra Front claimed responsibility for the attacks in a video released the following day.
So imagine the surprise of both Picard and Odo when they were informed that a man purporting to be William Riker had arrived.
But a few months ago, a man purporting to be an opponent of Mr. Bockarie called BBC radio and made wild threats.
Take two photographs-one from 1915, say, and one from this year, of the man purporting to be Kaiser Wilhelm.
One had been from a man purporting to sell insurance; he had made an appointment with Brunel, but failed to keep it.
His client met the man purporting to be Roles at a Sotheby's auction last winter.
In addition, a group of men purporting to be from the Flying Squad broke into his flat and took a brief case containing £8,500.