Both Victoria Crosses for the campaign were awarded to men of the 7th Division.
The end of you, your Battle Aces, and the men of the 23rd Division will come in less than a half hour.
The yellow fiend was saying, "You know now, my friend, that your two assistants and the men of the 23rd Division are dead.
Ten miles away on Utah Beach the men of the 4th Division were swarming ashore and driving inland fast.
Cole and his men concealed themselves in the swamps and settled down to wait; he expected the men of the 4th Division along at any moment.
When the news of his injuries spread to the men of the 2nd Division, it was met with some disbelief and shock, greatly affecting morale.
Of the 9,825 men of the 32nd Division who entered combat, the division suffered 2,520 battle casualties, including 586 killed in action.
Again and again the men of the 5th Division rushed up the rubble-strewn breach, but they were cut down in swaths.
By the end of 7 August alone, nearly 1,000 men of the 30th Division had been killed.
The men of the 46th Division knew they'd been sacrificed to no purpose.