Marriage generally is made between families of similar social standing, although a woman might properly marry a man of somewhat higher status.
Particularly, when men of high social status were concerned.
In most cases, hypergyny refers to women wanting men of higher status.
As with other 'new men' of lower social status who prospered in the 1650s, however, the Restoration spelled economic and political ruin.
Concubinage is the state of a woman in a relationship with a man of higher social status that gives her less rights than a marriage.
As a woman, these researchers believe, I should look for a man of high status who will invest all his money and goods in our kids.
These women, who were dedicated to Hindu temples, maintained sexual relations with men of high social status.
Most of these women mentioned are married to men of status and wealth, or come from wealthy families.
The theows were the descendants of men of low status.
The population of the town was almost exclusively male, young warriors and men of status.