Coetzee's men lured him across the South African border and shot him.
His men lured in gullible river travelers and then robbed and killed them.
Very likely the man had lured him here in the hope he would search the ruins until Mashadar killed him.
The men and women lured one another and sometimes embraced.
Had his list not been trashed, we would have had a second man and better geographic representation to lure in regional press.
You know, that time when the rich man lures her on his yasht?
John Bowman, a wealthy farmer, is kidnapped one night after two mysterious men lure his car off the road.
The strange man has lured Amos' car off the road and kidnapped the couple.
The old man lured children into his home by promising to show them his new kittens.
The man lured her into the car with the promise of a gift, the police said.