A man could linger a long time over a meal like that,' said Fred.
The flash had appeared ahead to the left, but the man would not have lingered.
The young men lingered for perhaps ten more minutes, then they too excused themselves and departed.
Would the man have lingered longer if she had been wearing the stockings?
The old man had lingered on the periphery of the bridge, taking no part in the action.
The man lingered, however, to enjoy a few more seconds of this sight which intrigued him.
He hoped that the man and his companion would not linger long.
But when practice ends, the women on the team go to their locker room and the men linger behind.
A dirt road runs through the main street, where old men linger over afternoon tea.
He recalled watching each morning as the man lingered to play with a young son before reluctantly leaving for work.