There he is," the man in the back seat jabbered, "over there!
He spoke to his father in the old tongue, and the man, whose face ran with tears, composed himself a little and jabbered at the boy.
The decks were crowded with men, rough and dirty, jabbering and hastily eating their breakfast.
The man jabbered at Conan and threateningly waved his glass-bladed sword.
While the old man jabbered a parade of boys from the rear of the shop snapped quick bows at Else, then headed out the front door.
"Oh, I need to hurry, oh yes I do," the little man jabbered rapidly.
The man jabbered at them in a strange tongue.
But the man was still jabbering, and pointing over the bows towards the exit channel from the bay.
A little man in a dirty headcloth was jabbering at him, asking him something.
The little man jabbered something in Sprite, again, and pointed frantically.