Hearing something behind him, he turned as a large black man hurtled toward him.
The man hurtled through the air like some long-legged medicine ball.
The man, charging hard, hurtled around the corner and stopped dead barely two feet from her.
She had just snapped shut the breech when two more men hurtled through the door.
But in the midst of conflict, the man whom he had come to save had hurtled to his own destruction.
Without any warning, two men hurtled into Tyrus, knocking him off balance.
The window behind them exploded into shards as two men in black clothing hurtled through the glass.
One man hurtled through the air and landed on Monk's back.
A man uttered a low curse and hurtled toward him.
The man on his back lost his grip and hurtled through the air, but Josh's aim was off.