The man hurried out of the cabin as though afraid this crazy youth would change his mind.
He had his answer when a young man hurried from the keep and strapped the bags he carried on the pack horse.
He was happy at the prospect of seeing his wife and daughter, but in front of him a young man hurried along the sidewalk.
They spoke in hushed tones before the second man hurried to the radio in the patrol car.
Napper's coughs faded from Monte's ears, as the con man hurried down the steps.
Off ahead of them, in the distance, he could see Ishaq's lantern swinging as the man hurried to the meeting.
Kyosti stood up beside her, and there was a sudden scuff of chair and a man hurried out of the hall.
As the preoccupied man hurried on his way, Tuek said, "Bewt handles all my accounting and shipping.
The young man hurried to the side of the room, toward one of the brick walls, put his forearm against it, and began to cry.
The shaven-headed man flushed and hurried away.