A lone report stated that as Jewell opened the shop door, she saw the figure of a man framed in the light.
Data turned and saw the man framed by the doorway, the bright light from the hall casting a long shadow before him.
He simply watched as the door swung inward, the silhouette of a tall man framed against the opening.
That door opened now, and Bolan saw three men framed in the opening.
She stepped into the waiting area and saw a man framed in sunlight, standing just inside the clinic door.
"He will not be the first or the last black man framed by the system."
Wavewatcher, scrutinizing the man framed in the light, let out a snort.
John stared out at a cluster of armed men framed in the open doorway.
And then the blond-haired man framed in the door spoke.
The man framed in the bathroom door moved as though balanced on springs.