When a man in a movie fantasizes about Bo Derek, the movie tends to be a lot more guilt-free than "The Favor."
As men and women age, each fantasize less, but men still fantasize about twice as often.
Dead men got nothing to do but fantasize.
When a man fantasizes about escape these days, what does he envision?
She became popular; men fantasized about her, and women began to wear their hair as she did, parted down the middle.
No dilemma causes men and women to fantasize so intensely about splitting themselves in two and taking both roads.
"I think the man was fantasizing," Shirley said.
Behind the wild-eyed look and uninhibited behavior, men fantasize, must lie a crazy libido.
In the 2010 novel Mr. Peanut, a man fantasizes about killing his peanut-allergic wife by force-feeding her peanuts.
They broke society's rules in a way that most men fantasized about breaking the rules.