A local man, judging by the full sleeves of his shirt and the spirals embroidered across his chest; Domon believed he caught the words "High Lord."
A man in a cap and tan coveralls with the name of his company, Premiere Piscine & Spa, embroidered across the back, entered and ordered a drink at the bar.
One man, wearing a white hat and a shirt embroidered with dragons, compared it to a Japanese garden.
Not long after, an obese man wearing an evening suit embroidered with silver walked in, alone, and closed the door behind him.
There were more women than men, Shannow noticed, and they were tall and well-formed - their clothes mainly hide, beautifully embroidered.
A pink and green cushion separates the man, in his white surcoat embroidered with gold, from the back of the sofa, which is solid gold.
A huge man wearing a red shirt embroidered with gold moved into sight.
Yet nothing is more surprising than the infinite variations that the men embroider upon these basic steps and the fantastic speed with which they do it.
Another dozen soldiers were drawn up there around a roaring fire, and in front of them strutted a little, stocky man in a long black robe embroidered with astrological symbols.
Any man embroiders sordid fact on occasion.