A man should not dwell in the past.
They listened, but the task was long, for the men dwelt far apart, and some of them were away with the regiments.
All over the world, wherever man has dwelt, people have believed in it.
The wise and pious man doesn't dwell in the real world, but rather it is promised to him, a goal to live for.
If men had dwelt here they must have been of a very low order.
Also both men dwell on their dead mothers and the fact that each has let (romantic) love slip from his grasp.
Next day they went on into northern Dunland, where no men now dwelt, though it was a green and pleasant country.
Where a man and a woman, mated, can dwell within each other's minds at will.
Would that I could turn my steps towards a larger world where larger men dwell.
Here was the sternest country where men dwelt upon this planet.