The old man convulsed, the spikes tugging cruelly at his wrists.
The cruel fingers tightened, and the man shrieked desperately and convulsed, then went limp.
Each man shuddered, stared wide-eyed at nothing, and then convulsed and started to flail and writhe, clawing at the ground in pain.
The man in the grass convulsed at each gunshot and fell flat and out of sight.
It looked like the poor man had convulsed so hard in his death throes that he had broken all his teeth, and even split his jaw.
The old man convulsed again.
The heavy man atop Jennsen and Sabar convulsed, unable to draw a breath, as they threw him off.
Brian looked out in agony at the battlefield, where men still convulsed in the final act of dying, or shrieked and cried for water or mother.
The man convulsed once and was still.
He needn't have worried; suddenly the man emitted a loud grunt and convulsed, reflexively drawing a hand to his chest.