Frogs have difficulty digesting mammalian tissue and the high fat content of mice can lead to fatty liver disease.
In mammalian tissue, carbamates are generally excreted rapidly and do not accumulate.
The regulation also requires process and control systems to ensure that feed for ruminants does not contain the prohibited mammalian tissue.
LC3 is a microtubule associated soluble protein found in mammalian tissues.
A limited number of bogs have the correct conditions for preservation of mammalian tissue.
Per1 is also expressed throughout mammalian peripheral tissues.
It has a taste for mammalian tissue as well.
A great effort was put into purifying this substance from diverse mammalian tissue, but 30 years of research were without success.
Low levels of synephrine have been found in normal human urine, as well as in other mammalian tissue.
Purinoreceptors might be the most abundant receptors in mammalian tissues.