There are shocking revelations at a medical malpractice trial.
This question has haunted me since I lost a medical malpractice trial a year ago.
This year the hospital plans to conduct a mock malpractice trial to teach interns the importance of proper documentation on patients' charts.
It had happened through the course of his own testimony in the early stages of the initial civil malpractice trial.
Jeffrey's thoughts drifted back to the malpractice trial.
She was giving us a detailed update on the malpractice trial when Yuki arrived at Susie's, very late, and looking like hell, even worse than me.
The malpractice trial was to begin the next day and would last for weeks.
The woman and her husband, Gregory, were awarded $2.5 million after a malpractice trial, but an appeals court overturned the award against two doctors as excessive.
And I should have attended a malpractice trial or two.
What happens in a malpractice trial is painful.