It seems almost inevitable that malpractice liability will be extended to managed care providers.
Some are worried about the risks to doctor-patient confidentiality, while others are concerned that an electronic paper trail might increase their exposure to malpractice liability.
Since 1983, premiums for commercial and medical malpractice liability have skyrocketed.
The development of practice guidelines may serve not only to reduce unnecessary services, but also to provide protection from malpractice liability for physicians who follow them.
Cahoon places Indiana among 24 other states that recognize the loss of a chance doctrine, which has been criticized for unpredictably increasing medical malpractice liability.
Federal law grants protection from medical malpractice liability to private-sector, employer-paid insurance companies, health maintenance organizations and other managed-care organizations.
They represent clients in cases typically involving medical malpractice, product liability and nurse licensing disputes.
Secondarily, it serves to reduce the organization's vicarious malpractice liability and meet regulatory requirements.
Most of the heavy-duty health care reform plans made a bow toward limiting malpractice liability.
"Why do we support malpractice liability for doctors?"