Out of the west, however, a cool onshore breeze pushed malignant masses of dark clouds.
Radical inguinal orchiectomy with initial high ligation of the spermatic cord is the procedure of choice in treating a malignant testicular mass.
They interposed their heavy, lowering, malignant masses between Chandon and the flames of a hidden sun that was incomparably more brilliant than our own.
Dentists use radiographs for many reasons: to find hidden dental structures, malignant or benign masses, bone loss, and cavities.
Link to Malignancy New blood supply is associated with both benign and malignant masses, but the researchers found that the greatest vascular growth comes with malignancy.
Maybe his brain wasn't even his brain anymore, but a giant malignant mass of constantly dividing cells.
It is characterized by a molecular reprogramming of a cell to undergo uninhibited cell division, allowing the formation of a malignant mass.
The malignant mass beneath the mask of beauty now rose all but fully into view.
When a malignant mass is the cause of the SVCS, the situation may be a medical emergency with no opportunity to establish a tissue diagnosis.
The treatment is an elaborate type of gene therapy in which foreign genes are delivered into a patient's tumor cells to make the malignant mass highly susceptible to a drug called ganciclovir.