Have you all not seen, this very day, copious evidence for their malignant influence?
Arawn's malignant influence had more direct effects as well.
His malignant influence hung heavy in the air, his secret forces impeding their search.
Nahoot perked up at the prospect of escaping from von Schiller's malignant influence.
Just as in the official plot, there are also columns created by the Guardian with malignant influence.
To Greek observers, this signified certain emanations which caused its malignant influence.
Some considered him to be a malignant influence on the dictator; others thought he was a moderating presence.
The Ring's malignant influence twisted his body and mind, and prolonged his life well beyond its natural limits.
As for malignant social influences, he and other researchers found no evidence that pornography causes or fosters the development or expression of paraphilias.
Naturally he considered this unknown and unexpected misery he suffered the result of malignant influences of some kind.