Entries must perform the task in a malicious manner as defined by the contest, and hide the malice.
Vandalism on Wikipedia - the act of editing the project in a malicious manner that is intentionally disruptive.
The malicious manner in which he had testified astonished me.
"If something that is leaked is done in a malicious manner, then that person needs to get a more professional way of going about his or her business," Valentine said.
He grinned at them in a malicious manner.
Detainees will NEVER be touched in a malicious or unwanted manner.
"This was due to my lack of concentration because of these proceedings and the malicious manner in which my children were kidnapped."
With that, both Migel and Rika began to laugh in the most malicious manner.
A votebot is a type of Internet bot that aims to vote automatically in online polls, often in a malicious manner.
However, due to dubious and complex 'fine print', theses schemes then proceed to harass people for money in an extremely threatening and malicious manner.