Web of Trust has reports of malicious content on New.net.
So you can only play the YouTube clip, but not the ads or other possibly malicious content.
This exposes the user to drive by downloads or other malicious content in order to report the phishing website.
These files could contain malicious content, such as a computer worm or a computer virus.
It's like, wait, this looks like this site is hosting malicious content.
On sites that do have malicious content - I wonder what The New York Times site says right now.
According to Adobe, this restriction is designed to prevent malicious remote content from attacking a user's system.
Exploiting one of these, they fold malicious content into the content being delivered from the compromised site.
Through the appliance, network administrators can quarantine emails with malicious content for further analysis or deletion.
These methods provide protection from a wider range of malicious content since they allow detection of both known and unknown threats.