But he reawakens the souls of the phibob, the malevolent ghosts still seeking revenge on the doctor for past misdeeds.
One episode involves Hook finding the treasure, and unwittingly awakening the malevolent ghost of his elder brother.
In Polynesian languages the word aitu refers to ghosts or spirits, often malevolent.
Set in a California suburb, the plot focuses on a family whose home is invaded by malevolent ghosts that abduct the family's youngest daughter.
A mysterious and malevolent ghost who inhabits an older basement level of the hospital.
All were alien, things of brick or wood through which malevolent ghosts walked.
The loggers and soldiers and drummers and Indians in the old paintings on the walls looked like malevolent ghosts.
Kikokiko are known in Maori belief as malevolent ghosts that take possession of living people, making them lose sanity.
The amulet was to protect him against accidents and malevolent ghosts.
The plot centers around whether Candace is indeed imaginary or is a malevolent ghost.