Through innuendo, rumors, and public discrediting, a hostile environment is created in which one individual gathers others to willingly, or unwillingly, participate in continuous malevolent actions to force a person out of the workplace.
On-line storage is quite vulnerable to being deleted or overwritten, either by accident, by intentional malevolent action, or in the wake of a data-deleting virus payload.
The challenge is to show how malicious, malignant and malevolent their actions are.
Use of code injection is typically viewed as a malevolent action, and it often is.
I still go back to it to remind myself how to ask the right questions when trying to understand the taproots of human actions too malevolent or foolish to understand on their own.
Eva senses the developing relationship and increases her malevolent actions.
A spokeswoman for the US Fifth Fleet said it was "always ready to counter malevolent actions" after two senior Iranian figures alluded to the possibility in the event of additional sanctions placed on the country by the West.
In response to Iranian threats to close off the passage in the event of fresh sanctions, a spokeswoman for the US Fifth Fleet earlier said America was "always ready to counter malevolent actions".
It is easier to tell good from evil in Bioware's role-playing game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, where one's virtue is mathematically calculated on the basis of one's benevolent and malevolent actions.
Indeed, the repercussions of malevolent and self-serving actions are represented extraordinarily well in Radcliffe's The Romance of the Forest.