This is a male-dominated industry, and people will be wary of you if you rock the boat.
She is one of Europe's leading specialist garden photographers and the first female photographer to break the male-dominated industry.
Q. Have you faced any problems as a woman in a male-dominated industry?
The male-dominated industry, steeped in testosterone, has interests that at least one trader said were not being met by the masses of magazines.
He talks in admiration about what Steel is up against as a powerful female in a male-dominated industry.
Many women were forced out of traditionally male-dominated industries after the war, however.
Despite being a woman in an overwhelmingly male-dominated industry, many taxi drivers respect her.
Today also, we are talking about the automobile industry and the construction industry, in other words, two male-dominated industries.
"It's such a male-dominated industry," she says, eyes rolling.
As a woman who has worked in male-dominated industries, I have been able to put my lifelong love of sports to good use.