Thirteen normal white male volunteers (ages ranging from 20 to 53, mean 29 years) were investigated.
Thus, in March 2011 a team of researchers assembled 27 male volunteers and analyzed their pre-ejaculate samples within two minutes after producing them.
They asked male volunteers to sit in a laptop-using position for an hour with or without a working computer in their laps.
Nearly everyone complained of the difficulty in recruiting male volunteers ("Men might think its a little sissy," one participant suggested).
She will average from twice to many times as useful as the general run of sincere male volunteers.
She left the party with a male volunteer, who escorted her to her hut.
Before this there was certainly eldsläckningsmanskap, but it was male volunteers who put out the fires.
The discovery was made in research with six male volunteers who worked at the Monell center.
Safety and pharmacokinetic study with escalating doses of 3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone in healthy male volunteers.
In one study, a group of researchers used colonoscopy to screen more than 3,000 healthy male volunteers aged 55 to 75.