They are almost always straight - even the male perpetrators who molest and murder young boys, consider themselves straight.
Victims in a homicide case are most likely to be current or ex-partners, in both female and male perpetrators.
Research questions were: 1) What are the characteristics of male perpetrators of child maltreatment?
To be effective, programmes working with male perpetrators need to make them admit responsibility and to be publicly seen as responsible for their actions.
Other factors commonly associated with male perpetrators of femicide include gun ownership, forcing sexual intercourse, and unemployment.
Intimate partner femicide, as reported in the media, oftentimes is presented sympathetically towards the male perpetrators.
Programmes for male perpetrators in all areas.
The official line will be that new leads are enlarging the investigation-which is true-and we are now looking for either a female or male perpetrator.
Usually the male perpetrator is someone familiar to the victim.
Also, in contrast to the girl's combat-booted strength, the male perpetrator seems pathetic.