It's about the tenacity of the male libido.
Since her skin was tanned golden the general effect was calculated to hit the male libido like a lead pipe.
He comes home after bringing fire to his boss and is full of male libido and physical strength.
She said she'd totally satisfy my male libido so I'd think of Kat as nothing but another one of the guys.
Another desired trait that is thought to be passed on is the positive effect on the male libido.
The male libido is always in overdrive, right?
The single constant is the male libido, burning brightly even as the flesh sags.
If there existed in the universe any display with a stronger guarantee of igniting the male libido, it had yet to be cataloged.
His strong male libido is as firm as your own, I might note.
If there was any mercy in nature, it was the fading of the male libido with middle age.