Of those, 76% were male and 24% female; 16% were below the age of 14.
As of the 2006 census, 48% of residents were male and 52% female.
The total number of students in the governorate was 67,693, of which 50.3% were male 49.7% female.
Group 3 - male plumage grey or dull brown, females streaky.
Two thirds of the couples were male and one third female.
Of these, 58% were male and 42% female.
Three-year-olds may indeed insist that doctors are male and nurses female, even if their own mother is a physician.
It looked like the stereotypical dynamic, male groping female who can't be bothered.
In 2010/11 43% of stalking victims were found to be male and 57% female.
In 2001, 49.3% of the population was male and 50.7% female.