The male devotees usually removed their upper garment and tied the headgear and entered the Pathi for worship.
This art form is the domain of male devotees of Lord Siva.
Here, too, both male and female devotees sometimes dress as Radha and dance for Krishna.
In Pali the word for a male lay devotee is Upasaka.
If a man sees another male devotee whom he does not know, he will address him as "Prabhu".
The rituals are performed by the male devotees who visit here, without the presence of Brahmin priests.
Parading up and down the aisles in a performance action titled "Genitalpanik," she dared the cowering, mostly male devotees to look at a real body.
Gold leaves are regularly applied to the face of the Mahamuni Buddha by male devotees.
First second initiation was in Boston, May 9, 1968 where only male devotees were initiated.
Entierro is borne on the shoulders of the town's male devotees.