For celebrity specials, the women's wall was used with female Gladiators chasing after male contenders.
In a standard Gladiators show, two female and two male contenders face each other and the Gladiators in anywhere from four to seven events.
Some of his male contenders of the said show describes Pineda as their "biggest threat" in the competition.
In later series the head-starts were standardised at 10 seconds for female and male contenders.
In any event, Ms. James emerged victorious over three male contenders as the first third-party candidate to win a Council seat in three decades.
This was part of another special episode where the male contenders were Twin Martial Artists.
Female contenders get a 4-second head start and male contenders a 3-second head start.
The latest male contender is also in Maryland.
Azeri was named Horse of the Year in large part because none of the male contenders for the title were able to win on Breeders' Cup Day.
On the American team, strong male contenders in halfpipe include Ross Powers, Danny Kass and Tommy Czeschin.