The other half is divided equally between nuns and male clergy, including eight bishops.
Male lawyers, male clergy and the male elite were all highly resistant to change.
Her teaching was received negatively by the male clergy and other male Shaykhis forced her to retreat to Kazimayn for a short period.
Also, the fact that male clergy are successful in maintain their vows of celibacy demonstrates some degree of erotic plasticity.
This law provided that the clergy and members of ecclesiastical orders, male and female, might exercise the profession of teaching without producing any further qualification.
She said she did not feel she had to be a member to enjoy the fellowship with her male clergy, many of whom have strongly supported her efforts.
Because of these more worldly activities and the fact that they were not closely supervised by male clergy, many beatas found themselves targeted by the Inquisition.
He noted that only about 5% of priests had been involved in sexual abuse of minors, a percentage "not inconsistent with other male clergy or with the general population."
Catherine Maire's study also made note of this predominance of male clergy.
The church had no way of educating new clergy until a seminary was established for male clergy a year after Oshoffa's death.