Most of the male aides, many of whom had law degrees, earned $36,000, a $185,000 salary today.
In a court appearance earlier this year, Anwar, 64, a married father of six, denied accusations he had had sexual relations with a former male aide.
She looked at her male aide who sat next to her.
A male aide helped her onto the ship, while a girl attendant, Acerronia, followed.
Ten minutes later, Gallus, the male aide, stepped inside to check on the comfort of the empress mother.
A male aide, a young black, set his magazine aside and tiptoed in my direction with a finger to his lips.
He ordered his male aides to leave, and even ejected two men in the projection booth.
In July 2008, Anwar was arrested again, accused of sodomy with a male former aide.
In "Goodbye, Michael", she shows off pictures of her and Robert together with his male 'aide'.