I'm off to Australia in two weeks - do I take the anti-depressants in advance like with malaria tablets?
Don't leave home without malaria tablets or an antibiotic for dysentery.
As if this wasn't bad enough, I was taking malaria tablets that had some nasty side-effects.
I am desperately looking for specific malaria tablets and I am in Colombia with my husband.
Don't forget your malaria tablets, if required, as well as over-the-counter remedies.
Check whether you need malaria tablets and when to starts them; be aware that some vaccinations need one or two months to become effective.
I've also bought malaria tablets online (it's a pain to get them via my GP) and never had any problem.
Having previously lived there, I didn't feel it was necessary to take malaria tablets or any sort of health advice.
The most common examples of counterfeit drugs are malaria tablets and expensive antibiotics, such as ciprofloxacin.
Lived there for several months a few years back - never stung by a jellyfish and didn't take malaria tablets.