He sees compulsive television viewing as the modern equivalent of the Gin Craze, presenting both as maladaptive and self-anesthetizing responses to epochal social disruptions.
Therefore, these freshwater snails produce either an adaptive or maladaptive response to the environmental cue depending on whether the predatory sunfish is actually present.
After the individual encounters a stressful experience, the cognitive vulnerability shapes a maladaptive response that increases the likelihood of a psychological disorder.
All these behaviours are part of a vicious circle where a maladaptive response to stress produces more stress.
In vivo effects of glucosamine on insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in the rat: possible relevance to the maladaptive responses to chronic hyperglycaemia.
"This is a maladaptive response," said Dr. Light.
This disorder involves a maladaptive psychological response to traumatic, i.e. existence-threatening, events.
Murder as a Response Even so, the killings are often triggered by emotional setbacks in the murderer's life, a spectacularly maladaptive response to distress.
Being a high-strung worrier seems on first blush like a maladaptive response to the world, possibly rooted in childhood traumas.
Systematic desensitization is a treatment in which the client slowly substitutes a new learned response for a maladaptive response by moving up a hierarchy of situations involving fear.