His own blog, created during the making of the episode, was subsequently deleted and purged.
It also included several featurettes, such as the making of the 100th episode, "I'm Huge (and The Babes Go Wild)" music video and the staff's favorite scenes.
Prior to the making of the episode, there had been several different ideas and disagreements for Peter's father's appearance.
At the end, Peter lets us know that everyone at Family Guy respects all living beings and assures the viewers that no animals were harmed in the making of the episode, but they did hurt the feelings of an Italian opera singer by prematurely dropping the curtain on his performance.
In the making of the last episode, Ball and Arnaz did not speak directly to each other except when their characters were required to do so.
Loved the 'freeze frame'insight into the making of the episode not sure i could have been so close to the killer whales with only a rod as protection.
Chloë Annett fell ill during the making of the episode and the scene scheduling had to be re-organised.
Other extra features include a making of the special episode, a making of the concert, the making of her Christmas video (again of the same name), 'Christmas in my heart' (the single) video, and 'The Best side of life' video.
The making of the episode was the subject of the TV special, Six Days to Air, which aired on Comedy Central on October 9, 2011.
During the making of the episode, Hunt and Hank Azaria, who voices Moe, were dating.