The school is a large room with makeshift benches, three blackboards and an outside play area.
A few minutes later, Manny, Andrew, Wilhelmina Benedict, and Surreal were sitting on the makeshift bench.
Saying nothing, he walked to the end of the makeshift bench and sat down beside Surreal.
Otto was at his makeshift bench.
Naked women sat around the fireplace on makeshift benches made of flat bones stretched across other mammoth bone supports.
A clearing just big enough for our four tents faced a stone-encircled hearth and makeshift benches nailed together by earlier visitors.
There my friends and I commandeered a makeshift bench under a lonely tree in the sand.
At first, the Bowl was very close to its natural state, with only makeshift wooden benches for the audience, and eventually a simple awning over the stage.
'It vould embarrass me,' said Otto, putting the square of cardboard down on his makeshift bench.
Even the makeshift benches and worktable were of brick, the vessels of glass.