The college was established as a high school in 1963 with makeshift arrangement in a neighboring rented house.
The doctors say the makeshift arrangement is inadequate for the severe trauma cases the hospital specializes in treating.
But that makeshift arrangement is supposed to end by Jan. 1, 1996.
"It's much more suited to the dragons than this makeshift arrangement anyway."
And this makeshift arrangement has turned out to be terrific for the boy in several ways.
But the sellers acknowledged that their makeshift arrangements could not last indefinitely.
Each makeshift arrangement concealed a human larva that would emerge again at the first signs of dawn.
The natural order of things, with all its makeshift arrangements, I agree, is to be railed at.
The relatives' room could have been Gatwick airport for all the makeshift sleeping arrangements.
Since the press box was not completed reporters and commentators facing technical difficulties used a makeshift arrangement.