At least one maker creates shtreimelach with 42 tails, symbolizing the 42-letter Divine Name.
By stripping the outer layers for construction material, the makers of this place had created a perfect hearth fire, whose fuel ought to last a hundred billion years.
In the episode, Lisa challenges the makers of the Malibu Stacy doll to create a less sexist doll.
The makers of this production created a lose-lose proposition.
The makers of this film create the enchanted world of a child's nursery, alive with magical toys and glints of evil.
With MacRecorder Sound System, stack makers could finally create alternatives to HyperCard's two built-in sounds.
When the time came, she supposed that she would be as ruthless as her maker had created her to be.
But foreign makers are creating a younger, cheaper work force, sidestepping Detroit's unemployed and the higher pay and benefits packages that Detroit workers were getting.
It was as if some maker of commercial entertainments had created a mock-up of what he had experienced directly.
I think that the makers of iTunes have created an amazing payment platform, Amazon & PayPal too.